Monday, January 11, 2010

Wimba Collaboration Suite

What is Wimba?

Wimba is a collaboration suite of tools for audio (voice recording) and synchronous communications (e.g., live chats).

Additional Equipment
Headset (suggested Logitech ClearChatTM Comfort USB), or
Speakers and microphone (can create feedback)

Setup Wizard
Before you begin you must run the Setup Wizard (once) to ensure your audio and voice equipment work properly.

PCC Licensing 2009-10 term
  • Fully online courses
  • Web-Hybrid Courses
  • Courtesy of Title V Project
  • AY 2010-11 will be based on faculty feedback

Suite Includes
  1. Voice Recorder: Make announcements and leave voice messages or notes using your real voice, explain complex ideas or graphics, students can use to explain lecture concepts, demonstrate verbal or language skills, private, personalized verbal feedback to students about their course work and progress
  2. Voice Direct: Real-time voice and text chat,use when the nuances of the human voice are critical elements (e.g. teaching pronunciation, rhythm, stress, and emphasis in a spoken language), avoid misunderstandings from a lack of auditory cues with only text
  3. Voice Board: See the blog entry below
  4. Voice Presentation: Discuss a series of web pages with voice descriptions to make a web-page based slide show with audio narration, blend voice, text, and web pages in one location
  5. Live Classroom: A live, virtual classroom environment including audio, video, application sharing and content display, whiteboard, and archiving of sessions
  6. Pronto: Instant messaging,text, audio, video, whiteboard, application share
  7. Podcaster: Add audio files (mp3) to online course materials that can be downloaded and played on portable media players (e.g.IPOD) or computers, students can subscribe to podcasts with RSS feeds, give Mini-lectures
  8. Create: Add-in to Microsoft Word that makes it easy to export content from Word into an HTML format and to add interactive components

Live Classroom Features

  1. Automatic student access through Bb Vista course
  2. Guest invitation & access: Guest speakers, students from other sections, presenter “T.A.”
  3. Break out rooms: Small group work
  4. Telephone access (Voice over IP) for audio, not toll-free
  5. Elevate a student or a guest to presenter
  6. Give polls, quizzes & surveys & show results


For Instructors

Technical Support